Sidharta Books & Print

Sidharta Books & Print

Book Publishers

Anthony La Riccia

Anthony La Riccia

Anthony La Riccia was born the second eldest in a family of six boys. While growing up, he developed an interest in reading everything from cookbooks and true crime to romance and adventure stories. His favourite genre has always been fantasy and he could get lost in the stories he read.
After finishing high school, Anthony went on to study theatre productions at the Holmesglen Institute of Tafe in Chadstone for a year. Shortly after, he began work at Target where his obsession with books and movies grew.
One night, Anthony had an odd dream about a large populated city being destroyed by a large, red, demonic man-beast. The longer the dream continued, the more Anthony felt like he was a part of it. As the city burned around him, a lone figure stood out above all the rest, holding a shiny object above his head. This lone figure was all that stood between the end of the city and the demonic man-beast, but he woke up before he found out the end of the dream. Since then, he has been writing the story to finish off his dream and hopes that everyone who reads it enjoys it.

Books by Anthony La Riccia



Lucas Swanson is your average everyday teenager. He is an orphan living in New York City where he goes to school, has limited friends that add up to two, is constantly bullied for no apparent reason, and has the strangest blue eyes anyone has eve... Read more about Destiny