Sidharta Books & Print

Sidharta Books & Print

Book Publishers

Elizabeth Ryan

Elizabeth Ryan

Elizabeth Ryan is a Melbourne born teacher who met Peter a few weeks before her backpacking pilgrimage to Europe. The two wrote copious letters to each other before, on a balmy evening in Florence, she bade her girlfriend goodbye and returned to marry this excellent letter writer. With three small children and expecting their fourth, Peter and Elizabeth left Melbourne in 1984 to begin their eighteen-year journey up the East Coast of Australia. In each place they lived, Elizabeth worked and studied in education in some capacity, from secondary teaching, curriculum consultancy to university lecturing. Now, back in Melbourne, she works at Australian Catholic University.

Books by Elizabeth Ryan

...regards, some girl with words

...regards, some girl with words

Articulate, perceptive, sensitive, quirky, and often hauntingly beautiful, Genevieve Ryan's writing explores the innermost experiences of a young woman growing up in an exhilarating and confusing world. Read more about ...regards, some girl with words