Sidharta Books & Print

Sidharta Books & Print

Book Publishers

John Frisina

John Frisina

John Frisina came to Australia in 1955. Although his father was a successful hairdresser and the family lived well, John left Italy because he grew tired of what he felt was misguided respect given to those who did not deserve it (a situation he feels continues to this day). For many years he owned and ran a number of successful businesses in Melbourne. He considers himself an Italian-Australian, but also sometimes an Australian-Italian. He has three children and six grandchildren. He has written several stories. Is This Justice? is the first he has published.

Books by John Frisina

Is this Justice

Is this Justice

Dom Onsert, a seventy-three year old man, was sitting up in bed with his back against the wall and his eyes moistened with tears. Read more about Is this Justice