Sidharta Books & Print

Sidharta Books & Print

Book Publishers

Anne Frandi-Coory

Anne Frandi-Coory

Growing up in an orphanage and raised by strict Dominican nuns didn't prepare Anne well for the realities of life. But overcoming the continual threat of fire and brimstone, she escaped in her teens into an early marriage and four children. She was a homemaker for nine years, during which time she dabbled in unskilled work including waitressing and cleaning.  She began developing a career as an interior decorator, where she excelled in the creativity and service aspects of the job. Her career blossomed as her marriage declined. She moved on to run a jointly owned successful café/catering business for three years with her new partner and then embarked on a nineteen-year career in the real estate industry in New Zealand and Australia.  She now lives in Melbourne with her partner Paul, without any threat of burning in eternal fires. She enjoys the vibrant life that wonderful city offers, and her duties as an energetic and slightly mad grandmother.

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Books by Anne Frandi-Coory