Sidharta Books & Print

Sidharta Books & Print

Book Publishers

Gavin Dickson

Gavin Dickson

Born 01.01.1968 of mixed heritage, half Irish, half English, half German, half Indian and the rest I don’t know but certainly 100% Australian, 5th generation at least. Grew up in the shadow of the Blue Mountains in the Outer Western Suburbs of Sydney amongst the largest Aboriginal population in Australia. My childhood friends were mostly Koori. Catholic School education attaining a degree in Health Science at the University of Western Sydney & working as a Registered Nurse since 1988.
Worked in Aboriginal Health for a decade first at the Aboriginal Medical Centre then for the University of Western Sydney Men’s Health Project.
Began training in martial arts as a teenager, starting with boxing then moving to tae kwon do, then hap ki do & finally discovering wrestling at the age of 22. Sporadically also trained in judo but the study of any style of grappling was my quest.
In researching the history of wrestling I discovered the traditional styles, began training in sumo in 1999, Turkish oil wrestling in 2000, Korean ssirum the same year & Cornish wrasslin in 2001. Since 1998 I have been a wrestling coach creating my own style of Australian wrestling called coreeda, based on a mixture of Aboriginal cultural symbolism & modern martial art techniques. This book is the culmination of that story.


For what it's worth I think you have a nobility of character that is mostly lacking in our society these days, you tried to right a wrong in the publishing industry but stood against overwhelming forces. It might seem futile now but you planted a seed that will ultimately sprout into a full scale revolution. The old order is collapsing, business models are radically changing & the powers that be are responding in the only way they know how, extreme tyranny. I wish you all the best in any endeavours you undertake, you are a good man Kerry, a rare commodity in this paradigm. Cheers"

Books by Gavin Dickson