Sidharta Books & Print

Sidharta Books & Print

Book Publishers

Christian Clarke

Christian Clarke

Our life is a work in progress. We grow, we learn, and eventually we settle. Or do we? Do we ever really settle? We’re constantly re-evaluating our careers, relationships and finances. We pay off our houses, then we want an investment property; we perhaps excel in a career, then we feel we need a change. We’re constantly trying to improve ourselves, often forgetting our entire existence lasts only a few short decades.
We’re conditioned to believe we shouldn’t do certain things. We create boundaries, follow rules and constantly strive not to cross certain lines. A thirst for knowledge, wealth and power have seduced human beings since the beginning of time. Just when we think we know who we are, something changes; our boundaries are pushed; our rules are broken; and our lines are crossed. The promise of easy money can lure us at any age. We are all too willing to take risks. But how far are we willing to go?
Recreational drug use can quickly progress to drug abuse, sending us down a road of no return.
Teenagers and young adults are seen to be most at risk of being led astray, although A Synthetic Illusion illustrates that we can find ourselves vulnerable at any age. This book will take you on a journey with a middle-aged man who entered a domain free of rules and boundaries in pursuit of easy money. They say love makes the world go round, but money and drugs can spin it into a frenzy.
My pen name is Christian Clarke. My passion is writing about extraordinary events in ordinary people’s lives. I spent over two years in Melbourne’s escort industry and had the opportunity to meet some amazing human beings. The following pages will send you on a roller-coaster ride of emotions. You’ll laugh, you’ll cry; but most of all I sincerely hope it makes you think.

Books by Christian Clarke

A Synthetic Illusion

A Synthetic Illusion

Get ready for the ride of your life as you enter a world of money, drugs and prostitution. Mick, a forty year-old hospitality professional takes a job as a driver for one of Melbourne’s elite escort agencies. Read more about A Synthetic Illusion