Sidharta Books & Print

Sidharta Books & Print

Book Publishers

Ben Kolsen

Ben Kolsen

I was born in Sydney in ’63, but now reside in Brisbane. Around State of Origin time, I support the Caneroaches, or the Cocktoads. I was an avidly keen sporting type up until the moment I was bitten by the nippers of the writing tick several years ago. Since then I’ve been hooked, line and sinker—it must have burrowed in and bitten me real deeply.
This novel is my first attempt at relating a tale of adventurous whimsicality. I was overcome one day by a storyline subliminally pitched by my mind but my true aspirations weren’t reached until years later. It just wouldn’t leave my head until I had written it all down, my psyche soaring with rapidity.
I have a high school education, just. I mean, I was there, and found the experience essential. Even if you just show up, the learning process grows, and the mind absorbs even when you don’t know it. Schooling helped me appreciably, just like travelling did when I was a youngster. Once again, you mightn’t come close to knowing it all, but what you do absorb is advantageous.
I have experienced a clash of cultures right up and in my face, within a week, seemingly a time period of an instant. The crass contradictions in the standards of living witnessed devastated my psyche irreparably. One week I was in Oxford, England; the next in the back streets of Bangkok.

Books by Ben Kolsen

Kei(th) and the Genic Seed

Kei(th) and the Genic Seed

A young boy's curiosity shimmys into a higher gear when mystery and intrigue appear. He suddenly has a need to know who, or what, is sneaking sticky-beaking peeks at him as he lounges around his house. Read more about Kei(th) and the Genic Seed