Sidharta Books & Print

Sidharta Books & Print

Book Publishers

I, Interpreter

Michael Milorad Gostich

I, Interpreter
Galley Release

Michael Milorad Gostich was born and raised in a communist country. As a young teenager he resisted the brutality of the regime and was forced to escape illegally and obtain a political asylum in the UK. Whilst there he attempted to break to the top with his rock band. Eventually he migrated to Australia where he commenced a new career, that of an interpreter and translator of languages. He obtained a degree in social science and excelled in his profession achieving the rank of a trainer and examiner in tests of other interpreters and translators. He also studied novel and film script courses and has four screen plays on offer to Hollywood film companies, including: ‘When Dimensions Clash’ parts 1 and 2; ‘Diggeroo’s Opal’; and ‘2150 AD Plus’. His current screenplay project is based on his book ‘I, Interpreter’.


