Sidharta Books & Print

Sidharta Books & Print

Book Publishers

The Shadows of Six Flags Upon My Tracks Volume 3

Harijs Upenieks

The Shadows of Six Flags Upon My Tracks Volume 3
Previously Published Book

This book is not meant for historians nor literati. It is an account which someone, who might be less demanding on correctness of one sort or another, would like to read and know of one’s experiences of events ‘over there’ and on the other side of the well-maintained ‘fence’ of — not ours — in history between the years of 1925 and 1948. The beginning imagined.

Hue a DP (Displaced Person) in French Zone of Occupation. Hue in Munich in the American Zone of Occupation. Opportunity to emigrate to Australia. On the ship to Australia. The sighting of Australia. ‘Where have I come to?’ The ending imagined.

