Sidharta Books & Print

Sidharta Books & Print

Book Publishers

Flight of the Fauvette

Arlette Ravard Guedon

Flight of the Fauvette
New Release

Arlette GuedonĂ­s life started in France, happily, despite the post-war era, but within a few short years, catastrophic events would catapult her into harsh and sometimes most difficult situations. Her great positive attitude and strong spirit together with her stubborn and at times rebellious temperament will see her triumph the numerous hurdles that life placed on her path. With her, you will travel and discover beautiful continents, countries, islands and mysterious worlds. You will meet strange, weird, but also beautiful, genuine and giving human beings. This book contains a mixture of child-like spirit, strong and independent nature, great faith and scepticism, love and hate; feelings that will take you to different levels of emotion that will make you laugh at times and wipe a few tears at others.


