Sidharta Books & Print

Sidharta Books & Print

Book Publishers

Emily's Destiny

Australian Provincial Newspapers

Although I’ve been in bed for over two hours, I’m still awake. I lie in the dark, listening, waiting. I hear the key in the lock, the door opening and the first stumbling steps as he enters…. I hear the scraping of the chamber pot being dragged from under the bed. The sound of him pissing away most of his weekly wage. It’s Friday night…” What a stunning opening page! And it sets the tone for this riveting book. As a child, Emily Wilson lives with her long-suffering mother and drunken, broken and abusive father in a small house in Cumberland. It is just before the start of the Second World War. Emily’s life takes a turn for the best when her father dies falling down the stairs. Life is easier and her mum can work. As a teenager Emily leaves home for work in a bookshop in a nearby town. She hopes one day to be a librarian. Her life is a series of ups and downs. There are four deaths in the book… and Emily is involved in all of them. This leads one policeman to start joining the dots. Emily’s Destiny is good reading entertainment. The story is very well written and will appeal to a wide audience. - Wendy O’Hanlon - APN Newspapers

Emily's Destiny

Emily's Destiny

Set in Cumberland, before the start of the Second World War, the story moves from industrial Workington to picturesque Keswick in the heart of the English Lake district and tells of Emily Wilsonís journey to escape from a life of fear and poverty. Read more about “Emily's Destiny”