Sidharta Books & Print

Sidharta Books & Print

Book Publishers

Searching for Professor Schmidt

Anton Mulders

Searching for Professor Schmidt
Previously Published Book

Africa, a continent so vast and wealthy, with such enormous potential, yet subjugated and exploited.?
Independence came with great expectations, but corruption and nepotism became entrenched, causing a great chasm between the new ruling class and the general population. Bughama was a case in point, with a rogue section of the armed forces eagerly watching for an opportunity to pounce in order to "save" the country.
Friends and former expatriates Anthoine and Shahn embark on a sentimental journey to Bughama where they become involved in the search for Professor Schmidt and his daughter, the exceedingly beautiful Amy, both of whom have disappeared under mysterious but separate circumstances during a time of great uncertainty.
A story of betrayal, passion and courage.

