Pioneer Cornish lifesaver; builder; international hitch-hiker; glass washer; cleaner and bouncer in an Algerian brothel; floor sweeper in an Italian coffin factory; British sign manufacturer; Australian neon sign salesman, and the youngest ever Australian State Sales Manager (23) to that date, rounds out the job CV to Leigh Murphy's 25th birthday in 1971!
In 1973 he fell in love with art dealing which over the next 28 years took him around most of the rest of the world he wanted to see.
Now, The Projectionist, his first novel, is written, being based on his interest in Cuba (his second wife's birthplace), and internationalia. Having visited Cuba several times, up to six months in duration, the freewheeling internationalist and reformed prophet of doom for the world he once knew, is once again upbeat. The Projectionist, he hopes, will be a cathartic talisman for the long oppressed nation. As well as a warning to the padded west, as to just what can happen, if it reverts to sitting, back to the action, eating and drinking, and saying it can't.