Rocking Chair Reflections
Robert Scott has previously won many prizes in poem competitions and also written a successful book of poems published in England. This book records his reflections as they occurred.
Book Publishers
Robert Scott has previously won many prizes in poem competitions and also written a successful book of poems published in England. This book records his reflections as they occurred.
It is often said that the most important relationship we have in life is the one we have with ourselves. Within this idea is a path of self-discovery and self-understanding in relationships with others...
Morgan and Anton have been happy for five years in an apparently perfect marriage, but there is growing tension between them she cannot understand. While she questions her life choices she wonders why her childhood memories start so late......
“Anger prisons have no bars, they have no guards; they exist entirely inside a prisoner's head.”
Daniel Desousa stands astride a major fault line that divides his extended family. On his mother's side are folk who live in an isolated rural backwater, an impoverished but proudly independent community.
Rosie Bannister is in her last year of a turbulent experience in primary school. Staying with her grandparents on their farm in the Paterson Valley over the Easter break of 2015 while her parents are away, she is confronted in the wee hours of the...
As the macabre al-Qaeda attacks of 11 September 2001 on the United States illustrate, suicidal terrorism constitutes an enigmatic form of violence in which a fighter's certain death is a precondition for the execution of an attack.
It was in a tree in the backyard behind Number 44 that the blackbirds annually made their nest and soon there'd be little chicks running around and making their first attempts at flying.
Study leave in Switzerland, England, Canada and the USA with four children aged 1 to 10 and family friend Gail brought many challenges.
In April 1975 Ngak Chhay Heng and his family loaded their car with their personal possessions, pushed it 20 kilometres from Phnom Penh, and disappeared under the dark shadow of the Khmer Rouge for three years, eight months and 20 days.
Alyssa has begun a career as a counsellor at the upmarket Donald Clinic for mental health.
To her dismay, this proves an increasingly treacherous environment and lives are in danger. Can she discover the truth ...
Caroline Dalglish is a young freelance features writer, recently widowed when her husband, a brilliant Oxford historian, dies in an accident.
Echidna in a Suitcase is Kathleen Frances' memoir in which she reveals what life was like after being taken as an infant and placed into institutional care.
The Curly Cow is a heart warming story about a family of cows and the girl who looked after them on a small farm in the Hunter Valley of NSW.
A young boy's curiosity shimmys into a higher gear when mystery and intrigue appear. He suddenly has a need to know who, or what, is sneaking sticky-beaking peeks at him as he lounges around his house.
A tale of deception and greed and the evolutionary enlightenment of two traditional witches into a contemporary world.
When life serves you nothing but lemons, you have a choice: hit the tequila with a dash of salt or make lemonade and sparkle.
?With awareness of my thoughts, I was able to have power over my mind, and therefore it no longer controlled me.'
This story is based on memories from a seven year old girl through the teens and up to her adult years. It was a different world back in the 1940s. Most children from working-class families were sent out to work from the age of 14 years.