Sidharta Books & Print

Sidharta Books & Print

Book Publishers

fantasy author has hit the mark

John Morrow’s Pick of the Week

This first time fantasy author has hit the mark when it comes to engaging your attention and this first book in the Bomcard Trilogy promises to open up a whole new world for readers who love this genre of novels. … well written and full of mystery, with just enough storyline to draw you into Lucas’s story from the very beginning. I certainly look forward to reading the next part of the series. … get set for the ride of your life as Lucas, our young hero, is set to discover who he really is …



Lucas Swanson is your average everyday teenager. He is an orphan living in New York City where he goes to school, has limited friends that add up to two, is constantly bullied for no apparent reason, and has the strangest blue eyes anyone has eve... Read more about “Destiny”