Sidharta Books & Print

Sidharta Books & Print

Book Publishers

Into the heart of the jungle

Mary Vernon, Judge, The Colin Roderick Literary Award

Into the heart of the jungle For those of us who have not fought in a war, it is hard to imagine just what it is really like to be out there shooting, killing and being shot at. And those who have experienced it first-hand are usually reluctant to talk too much about it, making understanding even more difficult. However, Col Foley, a Vietnam veteran himself, has made it all clear with his book “Cut Off”, a sensitive and insightful window into the struggles faced by so many National Servicemen, drafted to fight in the jungles of SE Asia.
This is not just a shoot-em-up description of battles, although there is plenty of that, but the story of Orville Payne, a lonely misfit of a child from rural Illinois, plucked from his sorry existence by being drafted into the US Marines. Orville is changed by his experience into an extraordinary man - he makes his first ever friends, he faces death, he fights for survival and takes an unimaginable journey from the jungle to Lavarack Barracks in Townsville.
This is one you won't want to put down, it combines the technical knowledge of jungle warfare with the very human story of a man fighting impossible odds to realise his dreams. The action is fast and engrossing and the story of Orville Payne a gripping one.
In a word: Inspiring.