Sidharta Books & Print

Sidharta Books & Print

Book Publishers

Abandoned: In Exile

A.L. McDonnell

Abandoned: In Exile
Previously Published Book
Science Fiction

Jemma didn't know that her grandfather was the Supreme Ruler of the planet Anders Major, or that she is now his heir, until she encounters Frederick Pritchard in the rainforest, a place where she has always felt safe. As she unravels the truth that Pritchard murdered her grandfather, and then her parents, she realises, to her horror, that Pritchard, and his rebel organisation, will do anything to prevent her from claiming her heritage. With the help of military man, Sean Bellamy, she discovers a plot that runs not just to the highest levels of government on Earth, but beyond, to the Inter-Planetary League (IPL), a group of aliens who have worked with Earth's military for centuries but, while the IPL does all they can to help her, they have their own agenda. As Jemma is drawn in, she discovers that her future - and the future of the human race on Earth - still hangs in the balance.

