Sidharta Books & Print

Sidharta Books & Print

Book Publishers

Beyond Life Without Purpose

Phillip Rosewarne

Beyond Life Without Purpose
Featured Release
Australian Fiction

This story is about a man whom life seems to have dismissed as redundant. He was the victim of an uncaring, heartless system that deprived him of everything. He wandered aimlessly around in a meaningless lifestyle with no desire for any form of caring or responsibility. As a direct consequence of his situation and apparent failings in life, real or imagined, a caring and concerned distant relative bequeathed to him a small cottage in a secluded and remote village in an isolated rural region of the Southern Tablelands of New South Wales. This plain little cottage had connected to it some considerable and significant incidental encumbrances - or were they so unintended? This gift came with attachments.
From a shaky and tentative start at this little cottage, his own hidden inner strength and his real character emerge from his state of torpor, inactivity and general idleness as a series of events unfold about him in his new existence which impact hugely on those with whom he interacts. In the process, he discovers a hidden side to his character and uncovers several mysteries that no one even realise existed. It turned out that Graham Longley had inherited far more than just a cottage in a remote village.
Graham Richard Longley's connection to the Summers Chronicle is a tenuous and belated one. It is arrived at via a tortuous and complex amalgam of seemingly unrelated events occurring in a somewhat similar set of circumstances but apparently unconnected. He is however, drawn inevitably into the maelstrom of the dramatic lives of the two main characters. He also contributes unintentionally to the advancement of the circumstances surrounding both of their complex and intertwined lives through the connections bequeathed to him on the death of this distant relative. Some of these contributions to the advancement of the Summers Chronicle are arrived at by some weird conditions that emanate from the source of this original bequest from his late relative, which lead eventually to the culmination of the Summers Chronicle - at least as far as it can seemingly go.

