Sidharta Books & Print

Sidharta Books & Print

Book Publishers

Endless Memories

Sandra Tam

Endless Memories
Featured Release

An extraordinary life of a Chinese woman who was born into a very rich family in the Republic of China, ten years after the last Manchuria Dynasty was overthrown. Her indulgent life was torn by the Sino-Japanese War in the 1940s and had to flee the country to Hong Kong after the Communist Revolution in 1949. Her retirement life was shattered by the impending handover of Hong Kong to China due in 1997 and she moved to Australia in 1991 and started a new life.
Readers will be able to share her hard and interesting life journey over three countries with distant cultures. This story of the resilience of a woman who did not even know how to boil a kettle of water until her mid-twenties to owning her home business and building up her fortunes promises to be fascinating to readers.

