David W Bastin is seventy-three years old. He has worked in various private and public offices but has always dabbled in writing. When he began his Bachelor of Arts, offcampus with Deakin University as a mature age student, Majoring in Australian Studies. He also did sub-Majors in Comparative Literary Studies, Journalism and Comparative Religious Studies. The School of Australian Studies asked David to complete his Honours. It was, though, the literary studies sub-Major that re-kindled his enjoyment of writing. Having found his voice, David experimented with writing, and in around 2003 began writing free form poetry followed by narratives, including sixty thousand words of a fantasy novel, yet to be completed. Taking a break from writing, David picked it up again two years ago, starting to experiment with the concept of “Cuckoos”. And several other themes that have been put on the back-burner. Besides writing, David has a keen interest in art, music, reading, painting, photography, cooking, mid-20th century art glass, including cased glass as well as Victorian hand decorated glass. In particular, he enjoys discussions about people and cultures, politics and religion.