Vicky Legge serves as a singles ministry leader in her local church, and has a passion to see single and single-again adults connected in healthy relationships with others and with God. Her zeal stems from growing up as a child of divorce, being raised by her single mother and experiencing a blended family in her teens; and from the end of her own marriage, which left her to care for two young children. As she searched for healing and hope when her marriage failed, she read widely and began writing resources to help others heal and move on from the end of their relationships.
Vicky has a background in health (prosthetics and orthotics, nursing, community health) and more recently health education writing courses and facilitating people to live well with chronic health conditions. She has been a high school chaplain and currently works as a registrar of a ministry college.
A decade after the end of her marriage, she is still a single mum to now teenage children, and has founded His Heart Ministry Training to produce resources and train people to minister to single adults. When she is not writing she enjoys playing the guitar and tap dancing – much to the embarrassment of her children.