Sidharta Books & Print

Sidharta Books & Print

Book Publishers

John Morrow’s Pick of the Week

John Morrow

When I first received this new novel for review, I was intrigued by the title – who or what was a ‘thylacine’? After a bit of research, I discovered that it actually refers to the now believed-to-be extinct ‘Tasmanian Tiger’.
Australian history buffs will have read numerous articles about the supposed sightings of this exotic creature over the years, and searches for the Tasmanian Tiger could almost be likened to the search for the holy grail. The Tiger could be out there and there are many environmentalists and naturalists who are determined to make this wonderful discovery.
Mind you, history also shows that this very elusive and legendary creature was hunted to extinction so that fashionable Londoners could wear some of the by-products produced by its fur during the 1900s, right through to the early 20th century.
NG Tuckey has written an engaging and believable fictional novel (with some facts thrown in) based on the hunt for this holy grail of animals, the Tasmanian Tiger.
The story opens with wildlife photographer, Roger Raines, tramping through the wilderness of Tasmania. By chance, he comes across a hermit, Mango Jimmy, who is the guardian of the Tasmanian Tiger’s whereabouts. Raines’ exclusive photographs raise tremendous interest around the world, but what repercussions will they have politically and environmentally?What lengths will the world of science go to so they can get their hands on the thylacine and what would be the outcome of possible experiments in cloning?
Alternatively, how will the Tasmanian government react to such a find, as the thylacines are inhabiting an area of the Tasmanian bush which is rich in oil deposits?
This novel raises some very ethical and thought-provoking questions throughout its storyline.
For journalist Raines, the photographs will make his fortune and his place his name at the forefront of wildlife photography; for Mango Jimmy, the guardian of the thylacine, the discovery of his beloved animals could spell their complete extinction; for the world’s scientists, it could mean the chance to examine a creature which could change present cloning techniques; and for the Tasmanian government, their discovery could stand in the way of making them a fortune.
Make sure you read this thriller of a novel so that you can form your own opinion, one way or the other.
“Ethical and emotional opinions are raised in this novel which is based on the re-discovery of the Tasmanian Tiger – a thought-provoking and hair-raising thriller which raises some serious issues for discussion”. John Morrow’s Pick of the Week

Thylacine Man

Thylacine Man

A brilliant, fast action novel from the prolific pen of freelance author N.G.Tuckey, which explores the hidden world of the elusive Tasmanian tiger, presumed extinct since 1936. Read more about “Thylacine Man”