Sidharta Books & Print

Sidharta Books & Print

Book Publishers

Head and Neck Cancer: The Second Encounter

Stephen McPherson

Head and Neck Cancer: The Second Encounter
Previously Published Book

Stephen McPherson is a survivor of this horrible cancer, and in 2015 when Stephen was first diagnosed with Squamous Cell Carcinoma of a HPV origin, public awareness for Head and Neck Cancer both in Western Australia and Australia as a whole was very low, in fact non-existent outside of the medical profession. Fast forward to 2018, Stephen had his second bout of Head and Neck Cancer and unfortunately it came back very aggressively and resulted in Stephen losing 90% of his tongue and 100 glands from his neck. Following the extensive operation and chemo radiotherapy, Stephen searched for support to help him get through this. Unfortunately there was no support available in Western Australia. Despite raising this with a number of organisations, nothing was done. If there is a problem and nobody will do anything about it ? solve it yourself. Stephen started both the Western Australian Head & Neck Cancer Support Foundation, a charity based in Western Australia and the Perth Head & Neck Cancer Support Group.

